Are we there yet?

The last month has been….woof.

I’ve wanted so many times to sit down and write, but I couldn’t even find the words.
Because the words hurt and burn coming out.
The words that I want to say smash and demolish my hope of a different world, a free world.
It hurts to want to tell your mom that she is racist and always will be.

This month started out ‘innocently’ enough. Rampaging against MLMs and Rachel Hollis and The Holistic Psychologist.
I couldn’t tell you the number of DMs from white women that I got - ‘I never liked her anyway, I was never in an MLM’ etc
You don’t have to prove that you’re a good white person with your words. You have to show me you’re a safe white person with your actions and your willingness to be messy. Your willingness to be challenged and feel pain.

Then there was Daunte Wright.
I watched the same old tired arguments.
And I watched how people missed the entire connection to the white supremacy of the online marketing industry.
This pervasive need to be in denial is what allows for Black men to be openly killed by the state.
It is what allows us to doubt that a murderer would be convicted (even with a 10 minute video).
It’s all connected.
And its insidious and its easy for white passing and white folx to distance themselves…but that’s the same thing men do with their #notallmenmovement.

We will not be there until Black people are not murdered in the street.
We will not be there until white people stop popping up in my ‘safe’ inbox to tell me they’re a ‘safe’ white person.
We will not be there until white feminism is openly spoken about.
We will not be there while coaches and white people tell me to monetize my activism.
No, I will not monetize my pain, I will not profit off of the trauma of my people, I will not market in deception.
And until we get there…we are not there.

Accountability is a step.

Justice is a new system.