July 4th

I used to be a huge celebrator of the 4th. Seriously - I’m a pyro I love lighting things on fire and watching them burn, I love seeing all the beautiful shapes the sparkles make, writing my name with sparklers, and even the stained shirts from all the smoke bombs.

But the last few years, I haven’t celebrated the fourth.

Instead, I’ve asked what we’re celebrating?
How does this holiday uphold the white supremacist structure?
How can I better represent a part of my heritage? (because yes back in the line we also have Native representation)

This is what I apply to every holiday we celebrate here in America. Can the majority of Black and brown people afford to buy hundreds of dollars worth of fireworks? No.

How can we bring attention to that in a capitalist society? Not purchasing the fireworks.
This year I’m also very aware of the boarding schools in Canada and although its there…it begs the question what has been covered up here?

My in laws once told me to avoid the Reservations in Minnesota because they might attack me?!?!?! And I realized just how deeply we ingrain the lies we are told by the whispers of whiteness.

Unseen and unheard - how can we help share Native stories this holiday?